272 Bascom: Matt (310, 314, 319), Erik (309, 321, 325), Jill (307, 317, 323), Siddharth (303, 313, 315)Know your 10-digit student ID number, and your section number.6210 Social Science: Lisa (305, 306, 316), Ramesh (304, 308, 311), Ranjith (301, 302, 318), Del (320, 324)
The exams will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions, and there will be multiple versions of the exam in which the answers are scrambled.
You may bring to the exam a pencil, eraser, calculator, and one 8.5 x 11" sheet (crib sheet) on which you may write (no machine copying) anything you wish (front and back).
You may use the blank space on the front or back of the exam to do your calculations, but this work will not be examined, and your grade will be determined solely by the answer you put on the answer sheet. Thus there will be no partial credit.
You are to sit in parallel lines separated in each row by one empty seat.
You are expected to remain silent from the beginning of the exam until you exit the room.
Be sure your name and section number are on the answer sheet, and be sure your exam has the correct number of pages.
You are to hand your exam and answer sheet to your TA when you are finished.
You are not allowed to leave during the last 5 minutes of the exam.
You will be instructed to stop work promptly at 7 PM, and if you continue writing after being instructed to stop, points will be deducted from your grade.
Cheating is an extremely serious matter and will be cause for removal from the course.
In the event of a serious illness or other emergency you should contact Prof. Sprott or Prof. Terry as soon as possible to explain the circumstances.