3D Printing -- The Basins of Tristability in the Lorenz System
Anda Xiong and Julien C. Sprott
Physics Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1150 University Avenue, Madison,
Wisconsin 53706, USA
Jingxuan Lyu and Xilu Wang
Mechanical Engineering Department,
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1415 Engineering Drive, Madison,
Wisconsin 53706, USA
Received April 9, 2017
The famous Lorenz system is studied and analyzed
for a particular set of parameters originally proposed by
Lorenz. With those parameters, the system has a single globally
attracting strange attractor, meaning that almost all initial
conditions in its 3D state space approach the attractor as time
advances. However, with a slight change in one of the
parameters, the chaotic attractor coexists with a symmetric pair
of stable equilibrium points, and the resulting tristable system
has three intertwined basins of attraction. The advent of 3D
printers now makes it possible to visualize the topology of such
basins of attraction as the results presented here illustrate.