Physics Demonstrations:
A Sourcebook for Teachers of Physics
J. C. Sprott
Errata for First Printing (now corrected)
- Page 8
- The second figure is wrong and should be this.
- Page 25
- In the equation, "1/mu" should be "mu".
- Page 46
- In the last paragraph, insert "(but not the main)" between
"wheels is one" and "reason a bicycle".
- Page 58
- After "atmospheric convection [16]" add ", and the solution
coincidently resembles a butterfly's wings".
- Page 63
- In footnote 3, "Thompson" should be "Thomson".
- Page 73
- In line 2, "with a diameter of six inches" should be "with a
diameter of twelve inches".
- Page 75
- In the footnote, "humanity if offset" should be "humanity is
- Page 91
- In the 11th line from bottom, "does mean you understand"
be "does not mean you understand".
- Page 105
- In 11th line from bottom, "in Kelvin" should be "in
- Page 119
- In line 17, "in Kelvin" should be "in kelvins".
- Page 136
- Reference 1 should be "A. Wood and J. M. Bowsher, The Physics of Music,
John Wiley
& Sons: New York (1981)."
- Reference 2 should be R. E. Berg and D. G. Stork, The Physics of Sound (3rd
Pearson Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ (2005)."
- Reference 3 should be "J. Askill, Muscial Sound: An Introduction to the
Physics of Music, Van Nostrand: New York (2001)."
- Reference 4 should be "H. E. White, Physics and Music: The Science
of Musical
Sound, Holt, Rinehart, & Winston: New York
- Reference 5 should be "T. D. Rossing, F. R. Morre, and P. A.
Wheeler, The Science of
(3rd ed.), Addison Wesley Publishing Company: New
- In reference 6, "1983" should be "1992".
- In reference 7, "1987" should be "2001".
- Reorder the nine references by date.
- Page 137
- In line 11, "approximately to a doubling of the loudness"
should be "to a doubling of the intensity and hence
approximately to a
doubling of the perceived loudness".
- Page 142
- In second line from bottom, "Kelvin" should be "kelvins".
- Page 143
- In the first line, "2.7 times more slowly in helium" should
"2.7 times faster in helium".
- Page 145
- In the middle of the page, "Kelvin" should be "kelvins".
- Page 148
- In line 9, "first performed by the Irish physicist" should
"first performed by the science philosopher Athanasius Kircher
(1602-1680) and later by the Irish physicist".
- Page 150
- In last line, "their obit" should be "their orbit".
- Page 153
- In 7th line from bottom, "temperature in Kelvin" should be
"temperature in kelvins".
- Page 156
- In 16th line from bottom, "has a longer wavelength" should
"has a longer period".
- In 10th line from bottom, "even-tempered scale" should be
"equal-tempered scale".
- Page 162
- In the caption of Table 3.2, "Even-tempered" should be
- Page 165
- In line 7, "even-tempered" should be "equal-tempered".
- Page 168
- In line 18, "Forth Worth" should be "Fort Worth".
- Page 174
- Delete the line "25 mA Onset of muscular contractions" from
Table 4.1.
- Page 176
- At the end of the Discussion section, add "In old naval
manuals, the unit of capacitance was a Jar."
- Page 183
- In the first line under "PROCEDURE", "once known at the"
be "once known as the".
- Page 194
- In line 12, "other that at the top" shoud be "other than at
- Page 230
- The formula should read "I = 4P / pi(D + d phi)2".
- Page 250
- In last line under "HAZARDS", "keep is away from contact"
should be "keep it away from contact".
- Page 280
- The correct address for Trinity Software is:
Trinity Software
533 SE Cliff Road
Port St. Lucie, FL 34984
- Page 281
- "Videotapes" should be "Videos" and "Video cassette tapes"
should be "Videotapes and DVDs".
- Page 285
- In the last entry, "even-tempered scale" should be
"equal-tempered scale" (and reorder alphabetically).
Thanks to Dick Berg, Jerzy Tarasiuk, and Iain MacInnes for pointing
out several of